Hailing from the Dark Multiverse, The Drowned is a counterpart of Batman who decided to augment her DNA after the Atlanteans of her world had flooded its surface upon the death of their queen. This very act gave her the ability to breathe underwater and to control it freely.
Donning a weathered naval-esque uniform with fraying edges, The Drowned stands upon a shipwreck’s broken debris amidst splashing waves while striking a commanding pose with Aquawoman’s trident in hand.
Pointing forward, she is seen belting out a menacing roar while accompanied by a fearsome sea creature imbued with spikes, large teeth, and scaly skin— one of many creatures from among the hybridised army that she commands.
She decided to join The Batman Who Laughs when told that the cause of their ongoing misery was the multiverse itself, of which her world was considered a lower-tiered one.
Bryce Wayne, the Batwoman of gender-flipped Earth 11, is the Drowned. This character portrays a nightmare fusion of Batman with Aquaman. She has a deep hatred for the Atlanteans for their responsibility in the death of her beloved, Sylvester Kyle.
Read more at https://www.dc.com/comics/dark-nights-metal-2017/dark-nights-batman-the-drowned-1
The statue features:
- Highly detailed sculpt featuring The Drowned
- 4 hand/arm switch-outs: 2 on the left and 2 on the right
- Crafted in Polystone
- Each painstakingly handcrafted statue is individually hand-painted with the highest possible quality finish
- Riccardo Federici (2D)
- XM Studios Design and Development Team
Manufactured by:
XM Studios
Note: Prototype shown and pending final approval, final product may differ. Batteries will not be included for products with light up features due to customs.